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Czar (Chekov) continues to make progress. He seems to be settling in and is becoming a little less skittish. For the first several days, he was hiding out in dark corners and slinking by fearfully from time to time. He's slowly becoming a little less reactive. A big turning point happened yesterday when I introduced a laser pointer into our play. He went absolutely wild with excitement chasing that red dot around. I dozed off on the couch and when I woke up, he was a foot away staring at me as if to say "where the heck is the toy?" He curled up next to me and we had a pleasant half hour or so. Gets a little over stimulated at times and I'm learning to see those signs. All things considered, he's adjusting well, seems to be reasonably content, is finding interesting nooks and crannies to hide himself away. Don't know that he'll ever move beyond being neurotic, but who knows. All is well. He's found his forever home. Pretty soon, he'll be running the household.

P.O. Box 1542 •  Burlington, WA 98233  •  (360) 588-5777 •  gail.andy [ at ]