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Bindu #781

I just want to let you know that Bindu is well adjusted & happy. We renamed her Tabitha. She knows her name & will come when we call her. She is definitely a mama's girl! She got used to our beagle rather quickly, but sometimes she still runs when she sees him coming because he's a bit of an oaf. It took our cat, Josie, a while to warm up. They only started really playing with each other & playing chase a couple of weeks ago. She loves being in the windows & playing in the curtains. She is still doing her little trills instead of meows, which is totally adorable! I've attached a few photos. Thank you for such a precious little addition to our family! ~J. A.

P.O. Box 1542 •  Burlington, WA 98233  •  (360) 588-5777 •  gail.andy [ at ]