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Remember this little lady? Thought I'd give you an update. She has peaked at about 8 pounds. Her coat is gorgeous and the softest I've ever felt. Her head still tips, and she still rubs against anyone or anything she walks by. She loves being on the boat. As you can tell in the second photo she is totally relaxed. When we are moored at a marina she likes to "walk the docks". One of us is always with her, of course. She attracts a lot of attention and is happy to let anyone pet her. She still puffs up and hightails it back to the boat if she sees a dog. She also loves our other kitty. The only problem is that he weighs about twice as much as she does and still has a kitten mentality, so can be a little too rough when they play. We intervene if we're around. But it must not bother her too much because she instigates it as much as he does. They also like to cuddle and groom each other. We are grateful for her everyday. Thank you for what you do! LA

P.O. Box 1542 •  Burlington, WA 98233  •  (360) 588-5777 •  gail.andy [ at ]